Practice Sessions

When planning your practice session you should take a few things into account. Look at the age and ability of your players and understand what they are capable of both mentally and physically. Set realistic goals for your session so that the players will have success and learn what messages you are sending to them.

Your session should have a set theme that should be the main emphasis of practice that day. Try not to coach every aspect of the game in one session. If your topic of the day is passing and receiving then try to keep every coaching point related to that. It can become very easy to get off topic and then the players will be trying to take on too much information.

Aim to have every player touch the soccer ball 800 times each practice. If there are long lines, set up another station to limit players waiting to touch the soccer ball. Allow the game to be the teacher and limit stoppages. When the session is stopped try to time the stoppage to no more than 40 seconds. The more a coach talks the less information the players will hear. The more playing time is interrupted the slower the player’s development will become.

Below are some useful websites that offer free practice drills for many different categories:

These are just a few useful websites to take a look at. There are many others on the internet that can be useful to help plan your session.